Monday, February 20, 2012

Bitches be crazy.

Yeah, I know.  Not so polite, but today, it's the only line coming to mind.

Ever meet someone so incredibly frustrating and ridiculous that you want to tear your own hair out--all at once--and then theirs, too?  Not that I'm advocating violence or anything.  Just making a statement.

Ever surprised and utterly flabbergasted that someone who has never taken the time to know you can suddenly judge you so harshly, pretending that they know all about you, resenting you for things you've done that they MADE UP IN THEIR MIND??

Yeah, now you know why I'm so frustrated.  It's gone on for months now, and I'm starting to feel almost careless about it.  I'm past, "well, i don't understand--please explain it to me--i'd like to be friends" and on to "look, you've never tried to know me so you can't possibly know my intentions--you've made up your mind about what i apparently do and don't do--and you're childish bordering on slightly delusional."  Which could be bad if I don't get a grip on that.


Why can't people just be reasonable?
And not crazy?

That is all...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In Which I Fixate On Something Absurd

Why is it that sometimes, the tiniest of tiny things makes you snap?
It's just that one little thing.  No big deal any other time--or today even--but for whatever reason, today it just pushes you over the edge.  It tarnishes everything else, despite your best efforts to keep it contained.  And you begin to obsess.

That's me today.

The woman who has been fixating the past seven-or-so hours on one stupid thing that for some inexplicable reason made the day go to hell.

It's ridiculous.

I'm aware.

Tomorrow, I'll laugh about it.

But tonight, I'm taking chocolate and a glass of wine with my bubble bath...

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Let's be honest: I am not a great blogger.
Ask me to wash the dishes?  Sure.  Need me to grab something from the store?  Not a problem.  Want a babysitter?  I am your dream babysitter (CPR certified, ftw!).  But ask me to write about my life on a fairly regularly basis?  Er...

Can I just sleep instead?  Or watch Real Housewives?  Yes?  Is that good for everyone?  Good.  Goooood.

In other news, Ryan and I have given up on the Omani job.  After much prayer--and lots of googling--we have come to the conclusion that it's just not the right job in the right place for us right now.  That leaves us with the two other opportunities that have come up recently:
   1. Huntsville, AL.  I can get my contract management certification, and Ryan can finish his math degree and work toward a finance position with the good ol' US of A.
   2. Bratislava, Slovakia.  I've got a friend who teaches English there and says they need more people. where could they find two more smart, classy native English speakers??

Man, I wish that hot married couple spoke English from their respective births...
So we're mulling over our options.  I'll be honest, I'm leaning toward Bratislava because, in all seriousness, who doesn't want to move to Slovakia??