Monday, January 7, 2013


"Everything changes once you're married!"  I can't tell you how often I get told that.  I usually smile and nod, but honestly, not too much has really changed in my experience.  Some of my own habits have changed in the past year and a half Ryan and I have been married...but as a whole, our relationship seems pretty much the lovely same it was before we decided to legally bind ourselves to the other for the rest of our lives.  How have I changed?  For example...

1. I no longer have the whole bed to myself.  Most nights.  See, Ryan has Restless Leg Syndrome, which I never believed in until the past 1.5 years.  Now I wake up being kicked in the middle of the night and go to work with bruises on one side of my legs--the side I don't sleep on.  He also walks in bed while asleep.  Seriously.  I'll be in the middle of a lovely dream--you know, te one where you're eating bread and ice cream and it has NO calories? THAT dream--and I get woken up because from his waist down, he's walking.....  I can only hope it's part of his dreams--and that makes me hope for his sake that he's going somewhere worth it.  There are nights I just get up and leave, reveling in having the whole guest bed to myself...but then he wakes up alone, and usually with his feelings hurt.  "Why didn't you kick ME to the guest room??" he asks.  "Because..." I trail off.  Because, honestly, it's just nice to sprawl without the fear of getting beaten.

2.  I don't drink sodas and drink more water.  Not that I only drank soda or something beforehand, but it was in the house.  Now it's not so much that we're anti-soda...he just goes through 6-8 bottles of water a day--honest--and it's just simpler to not bother with them.  I'm not a big drinker anyway.  (HA.)  However, now that there's usually a case or four of water in the house at all times...I drink them.  So marriage has helped me improve my health.  Yay! for marriage.

3.  I eat more.  Okay, so maybe I was a little preemptive on the marriage making me healthier thing.  When I was single, I just ate when I felt like it--which wasn't three whole meals a day.  It was usually around 1.5 (lunch and something light for dinner), and maybe something to nosh on between.  Now, I eat at least two whole, heavy meals a day.  Which isn't bad per say, but it's additional....and trust me, my exercise hasn't grown proportionately.

This brings me to my new year's resolution: I'm not going to eat when I am not hungry--period, end of story.  No noshing when I'm bored.  No heavy dinners if I just want a salad.  I'm doing this.  It sounds silly, but I'm sticking to it.  Hold me accountable, peeps.  I need ya.

What are your resolutions?

P.S.  I interviewed for a job as an admissions counselor for the Academy of Art University in San Francisco last Friday.  I "passed" round one and had round two today.  Tonight they called pretty late (because the time zone is -3 hours) and freaked me out, but it was a welcome call as I've apparently made it to round three.  It'll be a Skype interview on the 21st.

Anyone ever Skype interviewed before?  If so, HELP!  I'll take any advice!