Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring has Sprung

   In two weeks the weather has gone from "colder than a witch's tit" (local saying--not mine) to hotter than Hades.  My hair and skin are so confused--not to mention my mind.  Wait--what season is it again??  I now have to walk outside on the porch every morning--holding an empty mug, of course, so that anyone driving by will assume I'm enjoying my morning coffee and the view instead of standing there, hand on hip, know, feeling the weather.
   Last week I interviewed for two internships with the German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC).  One is in Atlanta--the other is in Houston.  Either would be wonderful, truly wonderful.  If I get either, I'll be elated.  f not, then I'm not giving up hope.  All I know is that it's time for us to move on.  We need to simplify our lives--to downsize and get rid of the junk we've been holding onto since University.  I need a job that challenges me more.  Something that makes me rise to what I can be, and not pacifies my need to surf the internet for hours on end.  Ryan needs a break from his job here.  I don't know if he needs a break from music in general or just the inane, nepotistic administration that has run him ragged for the past 5 years...  Anyway, I'm optimistic.
   I request prayers.  Prayers for guidance, prayers for patience, prayers for ease of mind...

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