Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tab 4,372

Saying that I excel at procrastination is an understatement.  What people don't understand is that it is purely and phenomenally accidental.  No, really.
As the daughter of a cogeneration power plant engineer father and a medieval history encyclopedia mother, I am indeed nerdy enough to be interested in pretty much everything.  This leads to many things, namely my interest in a little bit of everything and deeply in nothing--and deep inner turmoil about what I'm going to do for the rest of my life!--but that's another rant for another time.
Procrastination.  I don't mean to put things off, honestly.  I go to look something up.  Something else catches my eye.  I have to Google that, I think, opening a new tab.  Repeat.  And repeat again.  And again.  And--oh look--it's 2 hours later and I have 14 tabs open in my Google Chrome window.  In the other window minimized and out of view are another 7 tabs.  (It's a sickness.)  And I'm not close to being done with any of them.  How did I get here?  Was I supposed to be doing something?  I'm hungry.  I'll grab a snack and will probably realize what I meant to be doing while I walk into the kitchen...
And so it goes.
This is me.  I am a tab-er.  Or a tabber.  However you want to spell it.

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